Quest Council

Our membership elects the Council, which is the governing and policymaking body of Quest. A member is eligible to serve as a Member-at-large or as an officer if he or she has been a Quest member for at least two full semesters prior to the date of assuming office. Candidates for the office of President must be current or previous Council members.

The Council consists of eleven members: four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), seven Members-at-large, and the immediate Past President, who serves as an ex-officio, nonvoting member for one year following his or her term of office. The Council meets at least once a month during the academic year. At any Council meeting, seven voting members constitute a quorum, and Council decisions are made by a majority vote of Council members.

The goal of Council is to serve our Community. Feel free to contact a Council member if you have a comment or a concern about the running of Quest.

Quest Council Officers and Members
June 2024 – June 2025