Quest is a community of retired and semi-retired men and women eager to learn in a relaxed, supportive environment. We are a not-for profit organization seeking a diverse membership; we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion. In fact, we feel that the more diversity we have in our membership, the more interesting are our discussions.
During these Covid times Quest’s courses are offered four mornings and afternoons a week only on the Zoom online meeting and webinar platform, and Quest has created a category of membership, associate member, for those who would like to participate remotely. The membership fee is $150 for the spring and summer terms. Associate members may participate in any session of any class.
Quest is a community in which all courses are developed and proposed by members, and each session is taught by a member. Members are officers, serve on a variety of committees, propose new activities, and are responsible for everything that happens at Quest, including making coffee in our lunchroom! Quest also organizes museum and other outings for its members, has a travel program, publishes a literary and arts journal, and a newsletter.
While associate members are not eligible to vote for officers, serve on committees, or coordinate courses, all associate members will, when we return to in-person classes, be invited to visit and consider full in-person membership.
See a more complete description of the Quest membership benefits. Sample the Quest experience by trying us out.