Q Review

The QReview is Quest’s annual literary and art journal showcasing our members’ original fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. Available online and in book form, the publication displays the creative side of our members, many of whom are being published for the first time. Questers are encouraged to beat the November 1 deadline by submitting their prose, poetry, and art to the appropriate editor, as listed below:

  • Email your prose (800-word maximum) to our prose editor Judith Hill at hilljudith@verizon.net.
  • You can submit up to three poems (each with a 76-line maximum including the spaces between stanzas and 64 characters per line) to our poetry co-editor Judy Hampson at judyahampson@gmail.com.
  • And if you are submitting artwork, contact our art editor Paul Adler at adlerworks@verizon.net for details.
Let your spirit soar by creating something special to share with your fellow Quest members.

Thank you,
Ruth Ward

Issues of Q Review – 2013 to the Present
(Each Edition Opens in a New Tab.)