Role of Lead Coordinator

All Quest Courses have a lead coordinator, usually the person who submitted the course proposal to the Curriculum Committee for approval. Lead coordinators may appoint up to three other coordinators who assist in planning and presenting classes and in choosing presenters.

Lead coordinators are responsible for:

  • Enlisting presenters for the semester.
  • Guiding and assisting presenters as much as possible throughout the semester.
  • Proofreading all NWAQ blurbs prepared by presenters for readability and conciseness (a 125-word maximum is encouraged).
  • Submitting the final NWAQ blurb when requested.
  • Ensuring the tech support team starts the recording at the beginning of each class (applies only to lead coordinators who have agreed to have their courses recorded).
  • Recording the number of attendees at each class on the clipboard located in each classroom.
  • Preparing presentation materials that can be used if a presenter is unable to appear. Only in extreme circumstances should a class session be canceled and only with the permission of the Curriculum Committee Chair or the Quest President.

In addition, most lead coordinators are expected to:

  • Prepare a schedule for the entire semester, providing the topic and presenter for each session.
  • Send all class information by the start of classes to the Curriculum Committee, which forwards it to the webmaster for inclusion on the course webpage.